The idea of bricolage - of what I would call "purposed appropriation" - can be summarised as follows:
"All systems fall on a continuum between infinite play and eternal stability. And so the engineer is a myth created by the bricoleur, because the bricoleur would not be as exciting and inventive if the engineer were not so dreary and unimaginative. A discourse on myths, therefore, attempts to abandon all reference to a centre, to a subject, to a privileged reference, to an origin - thus his discourse is decentered. A bricoleur doesn’t care about the purity or stability or ‘truth’ of a system they use, but rather uses what’s there to get a particular job done."
- "appropriated" from the writings of Nasrullah Mambrol, Claude Levi-Strauss and Jacques Derrida
Question: who owns the internet?
Answer: we each own the internet in its entirety and the internet owns us in our entirety.
Appropriated Image No. 1

Swimming Pool by Alain Capeillères, 1976
Now retitled:
Youth in a Hammock Lusting After Two Exhibitionists by Alain Capeillères, 1976
Appropriated Image No. 2

title and date unknown, by Jib Peter
Now titled:
Unlikely Looking Pre-transsexual Making a Declaration with Outsized Metallic Phallic Symbol Extending from the Facial Area, by Jib Peter, date unknown
Appropriated Image No. 3

Like a Harp’s Strings, by Julia Anna Gospodarou, 2014
Now retitled:
Harp-Like Building Exterior, by Julia Anna Gospodarou, 2014
Appropriated Image No. 4

Animal standing in the grass at the edge of the natural salt pan of Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa, by Annette Mossbacher, 2013
Now retitled:
Big Cat Safari Extravaganza!, by Annette Mossbacher, 2013
Appropriated Image No. 5

title, artist and date unknown
Now titled:
Image Intended to Inspire the Stage-Set Design for a Production of Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot” which is Unlikely to Ever Take Place, artist and date unknown
Appropriated Image No. 6

Nude Dancer 1 of 25, by Mark Stout, date unknown
Now retitled:
Depiction of the Greek God Himeros with His Wings, by Mark Stout. date unknown
Appropriated Image No. 7

title, artist and date unknown
Now titled:
The Great Maestro Martha Argerich Smoking a Cigarette and Playing Her Piano, artist and date unknown
Appropriated Image N0. 8

Photograph of a Photogram of a Milk Bottle, by Nigel Henderson, 1949
Now retitled:
Photograph of a Photogram of a Milk Bottle as Found and Copied from the Internet, by Nigel Henderson, 1949
Appropriated Image No. 9

title, artist and date unknown
Now titled:
Head and Torso of a Ravishingly Beautiful Male - Possibly a Model, Possibly a Porn Star, Possibly an Actuarial Scientist - Being Ravishingly Beautiful, artist and date unknown
Appropriated Image No. 10

untitled photograph by Noel Bodle, date unknown
Now titled:
Lynchian Landscape (Study for “Twin Peaks”), by Noel Bodle, date unknown
Appropriated Image No. 11

title and date unknown by Lee Jeffries
Now titled:
Portrait of a Man Taken on an Unknown Date, by Lee Jeffries
Appropriated Image No. 12

Poema by Lenora de Barros, 1979
Now retitled:
Eat All Technology Before It Eats You, by Lenora de Barros, 1979
All images courtesy of the "internet of things", copied, downloaded, appropriated and titled or re-titled by the author.